
Desert Family Photos | Laura Kobes Photography

I did it again, I got wrapped up in life with work, my family and everything else and let blogging fall behind. I forgot, again. The interesting thing is when I am finished with a shoot I become a little ocd and have to get to uploading, backing up, culling, and editing asap. Because of this, I am very efficient and have a very quick turn around time. When it comes to blogging, marketing, and social media, I am inefficient. I will work on it. As they say in the world of mental health “its a process”. Did you know I have a passion for mental health? I do, very much so.

Bring it back to another passion of mine, photography and showing people just how truly beautiful they are. Living in Phoenix I feel like we have a shortage of nearby shooting locations, especially green ones! Phoenix is beautiful BUT comparatively, our options of greenery are limited yet greenery is probably the most requested setting. I was excited when this family (who I adore btw) said they are up for any location. Arizona desert it is! The location was perfect, I actually used it for a few follow up sessions I liked it so much. I’m very happy with how their family session turned out!